AASB 2 Valuations
Value Logic provides AASB 2 valuations for options and performance rights issued by companies, including rights issued with market conditions such as share price hurdles.
We value options and performance rights.
Providing you the service you need, with the service you want.
The foundation of valuation options, but not always the only or best way to value your options or performance rights.
This lattice-based or tree shaped approach offers more flexibility, and can handle additional complexity in valuation.
Monte Carlo
Offering the most customisation and the ability to handle multiple variables and conditions such as share price hurdles
What is Black-Scholes and how does it fit AASB 2?
When it comes to the term “option valuation”, you can’t read anything on this topic without seeing the name “Black-Scholes” mentioned. Fischer Black and Myron Scholes published an article in…
Why does AASB 2 require option and performance right valuations?
AASB 2 has many requirements when it comes to valuation options and performance rights issued. knowing how they work will help you understand how you should then value those options…
Government Review of Employee Share Schemes
As part of the Government’s update to the National Digital Economy Strategy, on 12 June 2013 they have announced a review of the regulatory arrangements for employee share schemes which…